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Building a Productive Relationship with Your Boss

Hey Bloopers.

When stepping into a new leadership role, one of the most critical tasks is to establish a productive relationship with your new boss. This relationship can significantly impact your success and the success of the organization. Hereā€™s a comprehensive guide on how to proactively engage with your new boss to set the stage for success.

Here is the video of it:

Understand the Importance of Negotiation šŸ¤

Negotiating success means proactively shaping your working conditions, expectations, and resources with your boss. Many leaders fail by reacting to situations as they arise instead of shaping them. By negotiating effectively, you can lay a strong foundation for your success.

The Role of Organizational Level and Situation šŸ¢

The higher you rise in an organization, the more autonomy you typically have. This autonomy can be beneficial, especially if you and your boss are in different locations. However, itā€™s a double-edged sword: without adequate oversight, you might have enough rope to hang yourself.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid šŸš«

  • Donā€™t Stay Away. Reach Out, Even If Itā€™s Uncomfortable

    If your boss doesnā€™t initiate contact, take the initiative yourself. Regular communication is essential to avoid crippling gaps. Get on your bossā€™s calendar regularly and keep her updated on your issues and how expectations might be shifting.

  • Donā€™t Surprise Your Boss. Report Problems Early

    No one likes to bring bad news, but itā€™s worse if your boss learns about problems from someone else. Give your boss a heads-up as soon as you notice an emerging issue.

  • Donā€™t Only Bring Problems. Come with Solutions

    While itā€™s important to report problems, also brings potential solutions or at least ideas for the next steps. This shows that youā€™re proactive and thoughtful, not just a bearer of bad news.

  • Donā€™t Expect Your Boss to Change. Adapt to Your Bossā€™s Style

    You need to adapt your working style to your bossā€™s preferences. Whether itā€™s communication style, motivation, or oversight, flexibility is key to building a good working relationship.

Aim for Early Wins šŸŒŸ

Identify your bossā€™s top priorities and aim for early results in those areas. This approach ensures your boss feels invested in your success and builds your credibility.

Establishing Clear Expectations Early šŸ“

Begin managing expectations from the interview process. If the job involves significant challenges, ensure your boss understands the time and effort required to address them. Continuously revisit expectations to ensure alignment.

Build Alliances with Key Players šŸ‘«

Your boss will rely on feedback from people she trusts. Ensure you build positive relationships with your peers and subordinates, as their opinions will influence your bossā€™s perception of you.

The Personal Development Conversation šŸ“ˆ

After a few months, initiate a conversation about your performance and development. Ask for feedback on what youā€™re doing well and where to improve. Look for projects that can help you grow without sacrificing focus.

Align with Your Bossā€™s Goals šŸŽÆ

Align your efforts with your bossā€™s goals. In situations like turnarounds or growth phases, ensure you work towards objectives that matter most to your boss. This alignment ensures mutual success.

Understand Organizational Dynamics šŸŒ

Assess your organizationā€™s ability to support your goals. Be realistic in your promises, as overpromising and underdelivering can harm your credibility.

Adapt to Communication Preferences šŸ“ž

Understand how your boss prefers to communicate and adapt accordingly. Whether itā€™s email, meetings, or phone calls, align your communication style with your bossā€™s preferences to avoid misunderstandings.

Proactively Surface Difficult Issues šŸ’¬

When discussing challenging topics, concentrate on goals and outcomes rather than methods. Show commitment to achieving agreed results, even if your approaches differ.

Seek Feedback Regularly šŸ”„

Ask for feedback frequently, especially as a first-time manager. This habit demonstrates your willingness to grow and adapt, fostering a positive relationship with your boss.

Make Face-to-Face Connections Early šŸ§³

If possible, meet your boss in person early in your role. These face-to-face interactions help build trust and a solid working relationship, which is essential for long-term success

Conclusion: Integrate and Align for Success šŸŒŸ

Building a productive relationship with your new boss is crucial for your success and the organization's. By proactively managing expectations, seeking feedback, aligning goals, and adapting to your bossā€™s style, you can create a strong foundation for achieving your objectives. Remember, the key is to integrate your efforts with your bossā€™s priorities and aim for early wins to build credibility and trust.

If you want to learn all that I have collected from the First 90 Days book, join my Discord server so that you can get it.

If you want to read more about habit building, you can order Michaelā€™s book, The First 90 Days. šŸš€

Warm regards,

Bilal Khan