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Managing Ego and Embracing Humility 🌟

Hey Bloopers

Success isn't just about being good at something; it's also about knowing how to handle it well. As we climb higher in life, the things that worked for us before might not keep working. This means we need to learn new ways to handle ourselves and our responsibilities.

In this newsletter, I'll talk about why being too full of yourself can mess things up, why it's important to be humble, and how to keep getting better even after you've made it.

He is the video explanation of it:

πŸ” Beware of the Ego Traps:

Micromanagers and Big Talkers: People who think they're the best at everything often end up making a mess of things. Micromanagers can't trust anyone else to do things, and big talkers lose interest when it's time to do the work.

The "Me" Problem: Some folks are so focused on getting ahead that they forget about everyone else. This selfish attitude can ruin even the most promising careers. It's important to remember that success is about more than just yourself.

🌱 Learning to Be Humble:

Going with the Flow: As we get better at what we do, our job might change. Instead of doing everything ourselves, we might need to start making decisions and trusting others to do the work. It's important to be okay with stepping back and letting others shine.

Taking a Lesson from Quiet Folks: Not everyone successful is flashy about it. Some of the most successful people are the ones you've never heard of because they prefer to keep a low profile. They focus on doing their job well rather than seeking attention.

πŸš€ Keeping Success Going:

Slow and Steady Wins: Success isn't always about rushing to the top. Sometimes, it's better to take things one step at a time, like Angela Merkel did. She worked hard and stayed patient, which eventually led her to become a respected leader.

Ignoring the Ego's Tricks: When we start to do well, it's easy to get carried away with our own importance. But getting too caught up in ourselves can actually hold us back. It's important to stay grounded and remember what really matters.

🌿 Building Toughness:

Dealing with Tough Times: Life isn't always easy, and we're bound to face setbacks along the way. Instead of letting tough times get us down, we should see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Knowing Nothing Lasts Forever: Success isn't something we achieve once and then forget about. It's a journey with ups and downs. We need to be ready for anything that comes our way, whether it's good or bad.


Success isn't just about being good at what you do; it's also about how you handle it. By staying humble, staying focused, and staying resilient, we can keep moving forward on our journey to greatness.🌟

If you want to get all the learnings that I collected from the Ego is the Enemy book, join my Discord server so that you can get it.

If you want to read further about habit building, you can order Riyan’s book, Ego is the Enemy. πŸš€

Warm regards,

Bilal Khan