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Hey Bloopers,

To navigate the complexities of organizational management effectively, it's crucial to tap into a diverse array of information sources. While hard data provides a solid foundation, soft information—such as perceptions, culture, and politics—offers invaluable insights.

Let’s explore the key external and internal sources of intelligence and strategies for leveraging them comprehensively.

External Sources of Insight 🌐


Understanding how customers perceive your organization is paramount. Whether they are internal (within the company) or external (outside the company), their feedback on products, services, and customer support can illuminate strengths and weaknesses. Key questions to explore with customers include:

  • How do they rank your company against competitors?

  • What are their views on your product or service quality?

  • How do they perceive your customer service?

Regular customer surveys, feedback forms, and direct interviews can be instrumental in gathering this data. Analyzing customer complaints and compliments can also provide deeper insights into areas needing improvement or further investment.


Suppliers offer a unique perspective on your organization’s performance as a customer. Their insights into your quality management systems and customer satisfaction processes can be invaluable. Key areas to explore with suppliers include:

  • How effective is your organization in maintaining quality standards?

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your procurement processes?

  • How reliable and efficient are your payment and order systems?

Establishing strong relationships and open communication channels with suppliers can ensure a continuous flow of valuable feedback.


Insights from distributors provide critical data on logistics, customer service, and competitor practices. Understanding their capabilities and challenges can help refine your distribution strategies. Questions to ask distributors include:

  • How efficient are your logistics processes?

  • What are the common customer service issues they encounter?

  • How do your competitors handle distribution differently?

Regular meetings, performance reviews, and feedback sessions with distributors can keep you informed about the effectiveness of your distribution network and emerging market trends.

Internal Sources of Insight 🏢

Frontline R&D and Operations

Frontline employees possess firsthand knowledge of core processes and external relationships. Their insights provide valuable context for understanding operational dynamics and identifying bottlenecks. Areas to explore with frontline teams include:

  • What are the most significant challenges they face in their roles?

  • How effective are current processes and systems in supporting their work?

  • What innovations or improvements could enhance productivity?

Conducting regular team meetings, suggestion programs, and anonymous feedback mechanisms can help gather honest and actionable insights.

Sales and Procurement

Teams in sales and procurement interact directly with customers and suppliers, providing real-time market intelligence. Their input is crucial for identifying emerging trends and customer needs. Key questions to ask include:

  • What are the latest market trends and customer preferences?

  • How do customers respond to current products and services?

  • What are the common challenges in procurement processes?

Encouraging open communication and regular reporting can help keep this information up-to-date and relevant.


Functional heads in finance, legal, and HR provide specialized perspectives on internal operations. Their insights into financial health, legal compliance, and human resource dynamics are critical for informed decision-making. Key areas to explore include:

  • What are the financial strengths and weaknesses of the organization?

  • Are there any legal risks or compliance issues to address?

  • How effective are current HR policies and practices?

Regular strategic meetings and cross-functional committees can facilitate comprehensive understanding and collaborative problem-solving.


Integrators, such as project managers, plant managers, and product managers, facilitate cross-functional collaboration and provide insights into organizational dynamics and political hierarchies. Questions to explore with integrators include:

  • How well do different functions within the organization collaborate?

  • What internal conflicts or challenges affect cross-functional projects?

  • How effective are the current communication and coordination mechanisms?

Engaging integrators in strategic planning sessions and regular updates can help maintain alignment and address internal challenges promptly.

Effective Diagnostics and Leadership Strategies 🚀

Diagnosing a new organization requires a comprehensive approach, starting with one-on-one meetings with direct reports. Structured questioning can uncover challenges, opportunities, and strategic priorities. Five essential questions to ask include:

  • What are the biggest challenges the organization is facing or will face shortly?

  • Why is the organization facing these challenges?

  • What are the most promising unexploited opportunities for growth?

  • What would need to happen for the organization to exploit these opportunities?

  • If you were in my position, what would you focus on?

These questions help build a holistic view of the organization’s current state and future potential.

Adapting to Change and Sustaining Success 🔄

In dynamic environments, sustaining success necessitates continuous adaptation. Different scenarios require distinct strategies:

Start-Ups and Accelerated Growth

In start-ups and high-growth scenarios, discipline and process adherence become critical. Leaders need to:

  • Foster a culture of innovation and agility.

  • Implement robust processes and systems to manage rapid growth.

  • Ensure clear communication of goals and expectations.


In realignments, leaders must raise awareness of the need for change. This involves:

  • Piercing the veil of denial and confronting challenges head-on.

  • Revamping performance metrics to highlight critical weaknesses.

  • Introducing external benchmarks and assessments to validate the need for change.

Sustaining Success

For organizations in a stable, successful phase, the challenge lies in avoiding complacency. Leaders should:

  • Continuously motivate the team and celebrate small wins.

  • Encourage ongoing personal and organizational growth.

  • Seek new directions and opportunities for expansion.

Understanding the historical context and prevailing culture is essential for effective leadership. Leaders must navigate internal politics, foster psychological transformations, and lead change initiatives with empathy and clarity. Key strategies include:

  • Learning the organization’s history to understand its journey and current state.

  • Building relationships and trust with key stakeholders.

  • Communicating a clear and compelling vision for the future.

Conclusion 🏁

Effective leadership and decision-making hinge on a multifaceted understanding of organizational dynamics. By leveraging diverse sources of insight, navigating change, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, leaders can drive sustainable success in dynamic environments. This holistic approach ensures that both hard data and soft information are integrated into strategic planning, leading to informed and effective decision-making.

If you want to get all the learnings that I collected from the First 90 Days book, join my Discord server so that you can get it.

If you want to read further about habit building, you can order Michael’s book, The First 90 Days. 🚀

Warm regards,

Bilal Khan