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Your First 90 Days in a New Role 🌟

Learn to avoid common traps, secure early wins, and negotiate success with your boss

Hey Bloopers,

Congratulations on embarking on a new journey in your career! Whether you've just stepped into a new role or are gearing up for a transition, the first 90 days are crucial for setting the tone of success. In this newsletter, we'll explore some key strategies and pitfalls to avoid during this critical period. Let's dive in!

Here I shared my learning in a video.

Understanding the Stakes 🎯

Think of the first 90 days in a leadership role as laying the groundwork for a strong building. Doing well now can set you up for a great career, but struggling might hold you back. It's a time when people are watching closely, and what you do matters. Every move you make helps decide how things will turn out.

Avoiding Transition Traps 🚫

πŸ” Trap 1: Sticking with What You Know

Don't fall into the trap of believing that what worked in your previous role will automatically translate into success in your new position. Embrace the need for new competencies and approaches tailored to your current context.

πŸ” Trap 2: Falling Prey to the "Action Imperative"

Resist the urge to rush into action without first understanding the landscape. Taking premature actions can lead to resistance and poor decision-making. Prioritize learning and observation before making significant changes.

πŸ” Trap 3: Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Ensure clarity in your objectives and mandate. Negotiate achievable goals with your stakeholders to avoid falling short of expectations despite performing well.

πŸ” Trap 4: Attempting to Do Too Much

Focus your energy and resources on key initiatives rather than spreading yourself too thin. Prioritize initiatives that align with organizational goals and rally support around them.

πŸ” Trap 5: Coming in with "the" Answer

Avoid the temptation to arrive at preconceived solutions. Take the time to listen, learn, and collaborate with stakeholders to develop informed strategies.

πŸ” Trap 6: Engaging in the Wrong Type of Learning

Balance your focus between technical aspects and cultural/political dimensions of your new role. Building relationships and understanding organizational dynamics are as crucial as mastering technical knowledge.

πŸ” Trap 7: Neglecting Horizontal Relationships

Invest in building relationships with peers and stakeholders, not just vertical connections. Success often hinges on collaborative efforts and support from across the organization.

Strategies for Success 🌱

πŸš€ Prepare Yourself

Take a mental break from your previous role and prepare to embrace the changes demanded by your new position. Understand the unique challenges and opportunities you'll encounter.

πŸš€ Accelerate Your Learning

Climb the learning curve swiftly by immersing yourself in your new organization's culture, processes, and challenges. Seek feedback and guidance from experienced colleagues to expedite your adaptation.

πŸš€ Secure Early Wins

Focus on achieving quick wins that demonstrate your competence and create positive momentum. These wins not only boost your credibility but also generate enthusiasm within the organization.

πŸš€ Negotiate Success

Forge productive working relationships with key stakeholders, especially your new boss. Clear communication and alignment of expectations are essential for navigating challenges and driving success.

πŸš€ Accelerate Everyone

Support the transition of your direct reports, peers, and superiors by facilitating their adaptation to change. A collaborative approach fosters a culture of mutual support and enhances overall organizational performance.

Mapping Out Your First 90 Days πŸ—ΊοΈ

πŸ—“οΈ First Day: Start strong by setting goals and connecting with your team. Get a feel for your role and what's expected.

πŸ—“οΈ First Week: Dig into how things work and who's who. Lay the groundwork for your plans.

πŸ—“οΈ First Month: Set clear goals and start making things happen. Look for quick wins to build momentum.

πŸ—“οΈ Second Month: Keep engaging with everyone and adjusting your strategies. Strengthen your leadership style and keep the positive vibes going.

πŸ—“οΈ Third Month: Show you're making real progress. Prove yourself as a reliable leader and keep moving forward.

Conclusion 🌟

Your first 90 days in a new role offer a unique opportunity to shape your trajectory and make a lasting impact. By avoiding common transition traps, embracing key strategies for success, and mapping out a clear plan of action, you can navigate this critical period with confidence and set yourself up for long-term success.

If you want to get all the learnings that I collected from the Ego is the Enemy book, join my Discord server so that you can get it.

If you want to read further about habit building, you can order Michael’s book, The First 90 Days. πŸš€

Warm regards,

Bilal Khan.